Unleash the fun on with these 7 activity Ideas

Are you ready to make some new friends? We’ve got some fantastic activity ideas for you to try out and make the most of your time on the app.


  1. Host a virtual cocktail party – Get dressed up and mix your favourite drinks while chatting with new friends.
  2. Organise a game night – From classic board games to online multiplayer games, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Start a book club – Share your love of literature with others and discuss your favourite books.
  4. Plan a movie night – Pick a movie, make some popcorn, and chat about it with your new friends.
  5. Have a language exchange – Practice speaking a new language with native speakers and learn about different cultures.
  6. Go on a virtual tour – Explore a new city or country together and learn about the history and culture.
  7. Start a workout group – Stay motivated and healthy by working out with others.


These are just a few ideas to get you started, but the possibilities are endless on Gofrendly. So, grab a friend or two, or make some new ones, and let’s make the most of our time on the app. Cheers!


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