Elin & Indra: How they met

Discover Elin’s inspiring journey of forming a close friendship with Indra through Gofrendly.

My decision to join Gofrendly was driven by the desire to expand my circle of friends. I thought the app was a brilliant concept and couldn’t resist giving it a try.

Indra and I were fortunate enough to be matched on the app, and she took the initiative to start our conversation. From that moment on, everything just seemed to fall into place. It was as if we had known each other for years, as our similarities and natural connection made us instant friends. We engaged in conversations on a wide range of topics.

Our first in-person meeting took place in Indra’s hometown at Espresso House, where we shared a delightful coffee session. It was a cozy and slightly nerve-wracking experience, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made. When we’re together, our conversations span the entire spectrum of topics, and we indulge in shopping, dining, movie nights, and simply spending quality time. We share a unique, quirky sense of humor and can relate to each other’s life experiences. Everything just flows seamlessly when we’re together.

To all the other girls on Gofrendly, my advice is to take that leap of faith and reach out to people or arrange meetings. In the beginning, I was a bit apprehensive because it was all so new, but believe me, getting this app was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It not only led me to my wonderful friend Indra, but also to many more meaningful connections, and I couldn’t be happier!

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