Discover How They Found Their New Girl Gang

This is the story of how a series of events led to the formation of a close-knit group of girls and how it has impacted their lives. Read on to find out how these Gofrendly members discovered their new girl gang.

Emma’s Journey

I’ve always been drawn to the excitement of moving to new countries and cities. However, with every move, you’re faced with starting over. I remember stumbling upon Gofrendly one evening in my new apartment, creating a profile, and nervously reaching out to girls I had never met. It was a bit intimidating!

My first friend date made me super nervous, but it was also loads of fun. It wasn’t until I met Hanna that I realized it could be more than just someone to have brunch with now and then. There was something truly magical about how we shared our dreams and realized how perfectly we clicked. That’s how I found my new girl group through Gofrendly.

Ottilia’s Adventure

I decided to attend a barbecue party organized by 20 wonderful girls from Gofrendly, and it was amazing! My goal that night was to chat with all of them. As the evening went on, people ventured off in different directions until finally, a small group of us remained, chatting until 2 in the morning and making exciting plans. A feeling of exuberance set in, along with curiosity about these girls who would later become my BFFs.

Linda’s Experience

After returning to Sweden following many years abroad, I downloaded Gofrendly. I met a couple of girls with whom I instantly clicked, even though I had my doubts about making connections in this context. Two weeks later, we were celebrating Midsummer together, and our regular AWs, crayfish parties, and dinners followed. Every time we meet, I’m reminded of how wonderful it is that we’re all so different yet work so well together.

Hanna’s Discovery

After my second Gofrendly date, I called my mom to share how I’d met this fantastic girl. I’m naturally open and can strike up conversations easily, so I don’t remember feeling nervous or experiencing any awkward moments. It was more exciting than anything else.

That night, I returned home content and filled with joy about the fantastic day, but I had no idea just how significant a part of my life these girls from Gofrendly would become. We’re still in the process of getting to know each other, and it’s a journey. There are no words to express how grateful I am to have these girls in my life. Thanks to them, I feel right at home here in Stockholm.

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