5 Fun Things to Do on a First Friendship-Date

Are you ready to make some new friends on Gofrendly? Whether you’re new to the app or just looking to expand your social circle, a first friendship-date can be a lot of fun. Here are some great things to do on a first friendship-date that will help break the ice and get the conversation flowing.


  1. Grab a coffee. Nothing beats a good old-fashioned coffee date for getting to know someone new. Find a cosy café near you and meet up for a chat over a latte or cappuccino.
  2. Take a walk in the park. If the weather’s nice, why not take advantage of it and get some fresh air? Go for a leisurely stroll in your local park and chat as you enjoy the scenery.
  3. Play a game. Whether it’s a board game, a card game, or even a video game, playing a game together is a great way to bond and have fun.
  4. Visit a museum or art gallery. If you’re both culture vultures, why not visit a nearby museum or art gallery? You can discuss your favourite exhibits and learn more about each other’s interests.
  5. Try a new activity. Whether it’s rock climbing, escape rooms, or cooking classes, trying a new activity together can be a great way to bond and make memories.


No matter what you decide to do, the most important thing is to have fun and be yourself. With Gofrendly, you never know who you might meet, so don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make some new friends. Happy friendship-dating!

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